finally, dh nk masok sem 2 of my live as an RPKJ student. haish....
x sangka sbnrnya yg aku dh habiskn sem 1.
time do flies. now, we are gonna have to gear up fr more challenge. can u imagine? learning chemistry (化学), physics (物理) and maths (数学) in japanese?
but, thousands of Malaysian students b4 me took the same path and succeeded. come on. X kan la kau ni B*D*H (u know the word) sngt kot zarief? hehs. seriously.
masa 期末試験 (exam final sem) hr tu, i wasn't really sure what i truly had in mind. i haven't changed much i guess. still in the state of 'kelaraan' . aku x tau la. i thought i was armed to the teeth utk amek exam ni. but, i was wrong. mmg apa yg kuar exam tu almost sume dh blajar. tp, aku x revise thoroughly bnyk benda. sbb tu la kot aku fail to remember a lot of stuff. bygkan, masa jwb paper maths hr tu, aku ada EXTRA 1 jam kot dr 2jam 30 min tu. bukan extra sbb aku dh hbs jwb, tp extra sbb aku dh x tau nk jwb mcm mana utk lbh kurang 8 soalan. aku dh mula あきらめました(give up) masa tu. apa la nak jd dgn result aku nnt ae? harap sngt2 x fail.
aku mmg bukan budak all star cam org lain. till now, nak dpt manten (full marks) tu still bkn benda yg sng utk aku. setengah org, muka lepak je. nak kata study, cam x nmpk plak. tp, time テスト (test), manten gak. untung la~ . rezeki diorg la kot. hurm...
we just received a pile of japanese textbooks from 科学 (science) nye sensei. i was like (*O*). even the book cover was hard enough fr me to fully comprehend. it just occurred to me that it was a bad sign. masa 全体会 (perjumpaan) hr tu, sensei nye perckpn cam ssh nk fhm. cuak aku bila fikir nk blaja ngan diorg 科学. basic conversation pon x brapa nk lepas. apatah lg 科学?
ni buku2 nya...
aku just sngt la percaya yg Allah tu Maha pemurah, Maha penyayang dan Maha adil. if we are not able to achieve what we want, it probably means that what we want is not something that would do us any good or we haven't worked hard enough fr it. Insya Allah, klu kita dh usaha, Allah akn makbulkan. - Allah Maha mengetahui. (^_^)
みんな,いっしょに がんばろう!!!
finally, live well or live hell, we choose. Insya Allah.